What If Games Privacy Notice


At WhatIfGames.co.uk we take your privacy seriously and are committed to ensuring that your personal data is protected in accordance with data protection laws and used in line with your expectations.

This privacy notice explains what personal data we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, the control you have over your personal data and the procedures we have in place to protect it.

When we refer to “we”, “us” or “our”, we mean What If Games. You can contact What If Games by emailing Joe@whatifgames.co.uk

What personal data we collect

We collect personal data about you to send you newsletters and blog post updates.

Personal details that we obtain from you includes your name and e-mail address.

Why we collect personal data and the legal basis for handling your data

With your consent we will use your personal data in order to provide you with updates from the What If Blog.

You may unsubscribe from receiving sector updates at any time by simply clicking the unsubscribe link provided in all communications you receive.

Who we share your data with

In order to provide these updates, it is necessary for us to share data about you with our e-newsletter platform provider, MailPoet. This is the platform which enables us to provide you with updates and also from which you can manage your subscription.

They may also store and manage information on our behalf such as your email address, emails received, links accessed and other details.

We will also share your data if:

  • we are legally required to do so, for example, by a law enforcement agency;
  • it is necessary to protect our rights, property or safety or to protect the rights, property or safety of others; and

We will never share your data with any organisation to use for their own purposes.

How do we protect your data?

We take the security of your personal data seriously. We have strict controls in place to try to ensure that your data is not lost, accidentally destroyed, misused or disclosed and to prevent unauthorised access. You data is held securely on our WordPress servers.

Where do we store your data?

All data you provide to us is stored on secure computers or servers located in the UK.

Our third party provider will also store your data on secure servers which may be situated inside or outside the European Economic Area.

How long do we retain your data?

We retain your data indefinitely to ensure that there are no incidents of accidental re-submission of an individual who has requested to be removed.

Your rights with respect to your data

As a data subject, you have a number of rights. You can:

  • Request to access, amend or correct the personal data we hold about you
  • Request that we delete or stop processing your personal data, for example where the data is no longer necessary for the purposes of processing; and
  • Request that we transfer your data to another person.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights above or you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of this notice or how we handle your data, please contact by emailing joe@whatifgames.co.uk.

If your e-mail should change, you are able to update this information by following the instructions provided in any communication you receive.

If you wish to unsubscribe then you can do so by following the instructions provided in any e-mail you receive.


If you are concerned about the way your data is handled and remain dissatisfied after raising your concern with our privacy team, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner Office (ICO). The ICO can be contacted at Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF or https://ico.org.uk/.

Changes to this notice

We keep this notice under regular review. Any changes to this notice will be posted at www.whatifgames.co.uk and where appropriate, notified to you by email, so that you may be aware of how we use your data at all times.


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